Outlander: The Abortion Topic

I went away during the Christmas Holidays (which is nice), but came back with a strong strain of a cold (I could not celebrate the New Year). I endured three days of high fever, and two days of muscle weakness and shivering. It seems I ended up with laringitis.

I might not be able to watch the new episode tonight since I am exhausted, but it seems that the scene in which Claire asks Brianna about having an abortion is coming. While reading this scene in the books, I asked myself whether Claire was being out of character. Why is Claire proposing an abortion?

To understand Claire’s proposal, we might have to look for the main reason why abortion has been legalized in many Western Countries. One must comprehend how modern science determines when human life begins (and Claire, as a medical doctor, is a scientist). The baby should be able to live as a separate entity and not inside another living organism. In modern times, it is gestational week 21. The fetus can simply go to the incubator and he might be able to grow into a full-term baby. Back in the eighteenth century, only full-term babies are viable, capable of living outside of the mother (and sometimes full-term babies do not survive). Claire’s technique will most likely be an abortifacient herb or a bunch of them.

Claire is posing the question as a scientist (but may also be concerned about Brianna’s reputation in the eighteenth century). Of course, Brianna says no because most likely of her Catholic upbringing. She also considered the options – what if this baby is Roger’s child?

Hope this post helps understand this hot topic.

Here is the link for more information:

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