Happy New Year! I apologize for being late in providing updates. Basically, one of my boys brought home a terrible illness just before the Christmas vacation. I felt very weak and tired for two days, and my whole body was aching (and I do not usually get that sick). As a result, I got delayed in updating this blog and packing for the family trip. I remember leaving half of the house clean on December 23rd before getting into the car to Toronto. I would still like to provide my second update regarding getting dressed for the holidays even though they are over now. However, a lot of these items might be on sale or might be going on sale soon.
In terms of shoes, I would have loved to wear something with a lace texture. Here are my top picks.
Perforated or laser-cut shoes would have been another option. My top pick is the perforated loafers since they would be comfortable to wear. They are also an alternative for those who prefer to wear pants instead of dresses and skirts.
Glittery shoes would have been my third choice.
I am getting very inspired for some beach stuff, so I will be checking for stuff to post about. I guess that is due to the extreme cold temperatures that I experienced in Toronto. Since the fourth season of Game of Thrones will be premiering in a few months, I will also be writing about some new characters / faces and what to expect from them.